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In Mexico, it can be tricky to protect data exclusivity, but prospective international agreements may provide a solution, as Jose Trigueros explains.   16 October 2013
When it comes to plants, European courts have been occupied with various debates over salad. Margreet van Heuvel and Bart Swinkels take a look.   16 October 2013
LSIPR spoke to Jörg Thomaier, chief IP counsel at Bayer, about the state of protection in emerging jurisdictions and the challenges the global company faces in asserting its IP across the world.   16 October 2013
The Court of Justice of the European Union’s decision in the Brüstle case has worrying implications for some stem cell patents. Andy Sanderson looks at the landscape across Europe.   16 October 2013
A German Federal Court decision has given patent applicants in the life sciences field plenty to think about, as Wolfgang Bublak and Axel Berger explain.   16 October 2013
Big Pharma
For generic drug makers, previous bad behaviour may affect new litigation, especially when it comes to injunctions, as Bethan Hopewell and Geraldine Quinn explain.   16 October 2013
Bayer has appealed against the IPAB’s compulsory licence order that allows domestic generic maker Natco Pharma to market its own version of liver and kidney cancer drug Nexavar, this time at the Mumbai High Court.   15 October 2013
After 39 years at the firm, IP litigator Trevor Cook will be leaving UK-based Bird & Bird LLP to join Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP in New York.   15 October 2013
US biotech company Myriad Genetics is facing claims that 14 of its patents covering tests for breast and ovarian cancer are invalid and non-infringed by Quest Diagnostics.   14 October 2013
Dow Chemical Company subsidiary Dow AgroSciences has won another lawsuit involving its Enlist weed control technology.   10 October 2013