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The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit affirmed on Tuesday that pharmaceutical company Pfizer can patent a DNA polynucleotide ahead of rival Sanofi-Aventis.   6 November 2013
Ethical considerations plus the ambiguity of the Biotech Directive are factors influencing the patentability of totipotent stem cells, says Andrew Sanderson.   4 November 2013
Genomic Vision develops genetic screening tests for diagnostics and research. In the aftermath of the Myriad ruling, how can it use IP to develop market share? LSIPR spoke to chief executive Aaron Bensimon to find out.   4 November 2013
Novartis has urged the FDA to allow biosimilars to bear the same international nonproprietary names as their reference products.   1 November 2013
The Indian Patent Office has rejected an application for a compulsory licence that was filed by domestic drug maker BDR Pharmaceuticals.   31 October 2013
Europe’s highest court has said supplementary protection certificates for plant protection products cannot be granted after the same product has been authorised on emergency grounds.   31 October 2013
A US company has filed a lawsuit against global healthcare company GE Healthcare , alleging it has infringed its patented microscope technology.   30 October 2013
A court appeal by Bayer against India’s first ever compulsory licence on its patented cancer drug will start today, October 29.   29 October 2013
The governor of California, Jerry Brown, has refused to sign legislation seeking to introduce changes to the state’s pharmacy law on biosimilars.   29 October 2013
Big Pharma
Mr Justice Arnold has refused to recuse himself from a patent trial after he was accused of being conflicted by an expert witness.   28 October 2013