Unified Patent Court

12 September 2024   Data visualisations based on the court’s activity from June to August reveal that the use of English is growing, German divisions are dominating, and appeals are creeping up, writes Marisa Woutersen.

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Unified Patent Court
A distinctive UPC approach to patent validity and revocations is emerging as the court shows its willingness to break new ground, say Emily Bottle and Sebastian Moore of HSF.
Signs show that an uptick of life sciences cases at the Unified Patent Court is likely, but does the court have capacity? Anna Leathley, Richard Newell & Sarah Mitchell of Carpmaels & Ransford explore.
Unified Patent Court
Well-resourced NPEs looking to play the injunction card are eyeing up the court—companies with European operations should prepare, say Tom Oliver and Jessica Rosethorn of Powell Gilbert.
Is the court’s public access rule unfit for purpose? Lawyers at Mathys & Squire are arguing for pleadings and evidence to be automatically made available on request, finds Muireann Bolger.
Big Pharma
Despite a rocky start, with case-management issues and plenty of scepticism from stakeholders, there is much to applaud in the UPC’s first four months, write Sebastian Moore and John Lao of Herbert Smith Freehills.
Big Pharma
Are we now seeing the power posed by the court as a litigation forum, asks Antje Brambrink of Finnegan.
Big Pharma
Revocation and infringement actions involving a cholesterol treatment, prosthetic valves, and methods for analyte detection are among the first to land at the court within its first month, explain Joanne Welch and Darren Smyth of EIP.
SPCs and trade secrets are just two issues set to be discussed at C5’s 11th Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation, on February 26 and 27 in Amsterdam. LSIPR reports.
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16 July 2024   UPC’s Munich Central Division revokes Amgen's patent | Decision stems from a revocation action initiated by Sanofi last year | Court's ruling focused on interpretations of patent claims and principles of inventive step.
11 July 2024   Top ten UPC law firms handled over 70% of cases filed at the court | Full list of most prolific plaintiffs and defendants named.
9 July 2024   Pan-European court hands down second infringement decision | Revokes patent Europe-wide after counterclaim | DexCom and Abbott dispute over technology for remotely monitoring blood glucose levels in diabetes patients.
9 May 2024   A significant uptake in unitary patents show court is here “in a big way” | Speakers shed light on the UPC's approach to preliminary injunctions and evidence gathering at LSPN Spring in Boston.
20 February 2024   International membership organisation launches platform enabling access to UPC cases and statistics | Tool aims to provide transparency amidst concerns and latest decision requiring legal representation to request access to court documents | Life sciences cases take up two-thirds of UPC cases.
12 December 2023   Hearing is latest in dispute between the biotech research firms | Multi-jurisdictional case concerns patents relating to the in-situ detection of analytes.
28 November 2023   UPC judge, EPO director and Regeneron counsel shed light on the court’s dynamics at London event | Life sciences sector emerging as a major player in the court | Quality of rulings and tight timeframes blamed for lack of appeals.
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