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Major tasks for Carl Gordon of OrbiMed, a healthcare fund, include drug pricing and helping to turn promising ideas into reality, as he tells LSIPR.   10 November 2017
BACIT, a former fund of funds, has combined with life sciences investment company Syncona to form a new investment vehicle using the latter’s name. LSIPR speaks to Arabella Cecil, one of the co-founders of BACIT, about the new company’s vision.   10 November 2017
Big Pharma
Thomas Kirkbak, chief IP litigation specialist at Danish company Lundbeck, faces challenges on several fronts, as he explains to LSIPR.   10 November 2017
In the current IP landscape it is wise to be prepared for attacks on important patents, as Lars Kellberg, corporate vice president and corporate patents of Novo Nordisk, explains to LSIPR.   10 November 2017
Big Pharma
Pharmaceutical company UCB injects a significant amount of revenue into R&D, but it is mindful of the risks attached to drug investment. Global head of IP Stéphane Drouin explains more in an interview with LSIPR.   10 November 2017
Resolving complex legal disputes and explaining technical concepts in a courtroom are all part of the job for Regeneron’s Larry Coury, who talks to LSIPR about life as senior director of dispute resolution.   10 November 2017
Big Pharma
Richard Henderson, an award-winning scientist based in Cambridge, UK, is seeking to make his next important discovery in the field of biological electron microscopy, as LSIPR finds out.   10 November 2017
A prolific patentee, Audrey Goddard believes women should be patenting more inventions in the STEM industries. She explains more to LSIPR.   10 November 2017
Anthony Atala combines the roles of surgeon and researcher in regenerative medicine, allowing him to stay mindful of why his work is important. He talks to LSIPR about his twin professions.   10 November 2017
Finding therapies that are safe, effective and available requires hard work and putting patients first, according to Daniela Verthelyi of the FDA, who discusses her role as chief of the immunology laboratory at the government agency.   10 November 2017