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2 January 2020AmericasSarah Morgan

USPTO grants University of California 20th CRISPR patent

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted the University of California (UC) its 20th US patent on CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technologies.

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More on this story

3 October 2019   The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a new CRISPR-Cas9 patent to the University of California (UC), the University of Vienna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, marking the fifth consecutive week that the USPTO has approved a new patent in their CRISPR portfolio.
27 June 2019   The US Patent and Trademark Office has revived the dispute between the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley over which first invented the CRISPR gene-editing technology.

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27 June 2019   The US Patent and Trademark Office has revived the dispute between the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley over which first invented the CRISPR gene-editing technology.
3 October 2019   The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a new CRISPR-Cas9 patent to the University of California (UC), the University of Vienna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, marking the fifth consecutive week that the USPTO has approved a new patent in their CRISPR portfolio.

More on this story

27 June 2019   The US Patent and Trademark Office has revived the dispute between the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley over which first invented the CRISPR gene-editing technology.
3 October 2019   The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted a new CRISPR-Cas9 patent to the University of California (UC), the University of Vienna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, marking the fifth consecutive week that the USPTO has approved a new patent in their CRISPR portfolio.