1 April 2013AmericasGabriel Di Blasi

Generic battles: pay-for-delay in Brazil

So-called ‘pay-for-delay’ agreements, also known as reverse payment agreements, are settlements executed between pharmaceutical industries in which a holder of an expired or soon-to-expire patented drug pays its competitor in order to prevent it from producing and selling a corresponding generic drug for a certain period of time.

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17 June 2013   A majority of the US Supreme Court has ruled that the US Federal Trade Commission should be able to challenge so-called ‘pay-for-delay’ patent litigation settlements on antitrust grounds.

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17 June 2013   A majority of the US Supreme Court has ruled that the US Federal Trade Commission should be able to challenge so-called ‘pay-for-delay’ patent litigation settlements on antitrust grounds.

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17 June 2013   A majority of the US Supreme Court has ruled that the US Federal Trade Commission should be able to challenge so-called ‘pay-for-delay’ patent litigation settlements on antitrust grounds.