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Big Pharma
Being both an innovator and a generic drug company gives Teva a good view of the patent litigation landscape, as Galit Gonen, general counsel, Teva Europe, tells LSIPR.   27 October 2015
Patent examiners not only have to tackle legal questions, but in cases of inventions directed to genetically modified animals they must consider moral issues too. This forms part of a wider controversial debate surrounding animals and patents. LSIPR reports.   27 October 2015
Despite the importance of traditional knowledge in many regions, an international treaty governing its control and exploitation does not exist yet—and talks have stalled. LSIPR reports.   27 October 2015
US-based Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR Therapeutics have agreed a research collaboration to discover and develop new treatments for genetic causes of human diseases.   26 October 2015
Biotechnology company Luc Therapeutics has agreed to licence its intellectual property covering its depression treatment to Novartis, stating that it will accelerate its programme into how to help people living with psychiatric diseases.   23 October 2015
Very few members of Congress are informed about the trajectory of section 101 and instead lawmakers are looking at ‘trolls’ and other patent issues, according to a counsel at the Biotechnology Industry Organization.   23 October 2015
Ariosa Diagnostics has urged the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to reject Sequenom’s en banc request, stating that behind its “sky is falling” rhetoric is really a demand for courts to revise the US Supreme Court’s two-part test in determining the eligibility of a patent.   22 October 2015
As well as much other debate, the High Court’s decision in D’Arcy v Myriad Genetics has created uncertainty in terms of the patent eligibility of naturally occurring molecules other than DNA, says Tania Obranovich, special counsel at Watermark Intellectual Asset Management.   22 October 2015
The life sciences sector in the UK is booming, as delegates at October’s BIA forum heard. Jane Wainwright of Potter Clarkson reports.   22 October 2015
The Patent Trial and Appeal Board has rejected another inter partes review petition filed by hedge fund manager Kyle Bass’s organisation the Coalition for Affordable Drugs.   21 October 2015