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Judges will not rehear safe harbour case between Edwards and Meril | Medtech company said court’s precedent ‘distorts the market’ for patented products.   22 August 2024
FTC backs FDA's proposals to streamline approval process for interchangeable biosimilars | Move aims to lower prescription drug costs and expand access to critical treatments | FTC emphasises the new guidance could create competition in the biologics market and save US healthcare billions of dollars.   22 August 2024
Preliminary injunction doesn't extend to Ireland because it has not ratified UPC Treaty | Case concerns dispute over patents covering continuous glucose monitoring devices used in the management of diabetes | Injunction in favour of the US market leader now applies to three markets rather than four.   20 August 2024
How much evidence is usually required to establish a prejudice at the European Patent Office, and what are the potential pitfalls in this line of argument? Stuart McKellar of EIP explores   20 August 2024
Amgen alleges infringement by proposed biosimilar versions of Prolia and XGEVA | Complaint accuses Samsung of failing to fully disclose biosimilar application and seeks injunction on bone-treatment products.   15 August 2024
AstraZeneca successfully argued that “no reasonable jury” could find it had infringed the patents-in-suit claiming lung cancer patents | Reprieve comes after misconduct allegations against a Pfizer unit fell flat earlier this month.   15 August 2024
Big Pharma
Delaware judge denies pharma giant’s request for injunction on rivals’ generic of Entresto | Novartis ‘unlikely to succeed’ in proving infringement | Lawsuit is one of several attempts to preserve exclusivity of the drug ahead of patent expiry and US price caps.   13 August 2024
Litigator brings extensive courtroom experience and advises clients on how to navigate disputes through federal courts, state courts, and arbitrations.   13 August 2024
Swiss biopharma took preemptive legal action against US rival after learning it would be subject to “aggressive” enforcement over therapy | Technology at heart of case treats disruptions to healthy bacterial organisms in human intestinal tract.   13 August 2024
A Delaware jury found AstraZeneca liable for induced infringement of a cancer treatment in May | Pharma company levelled allegations of "unclean hands" and "patent misuse" at Pfizer unit.   8 August 2024