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Eli Lilly has released a generic insulin injection at half of the list price of its identical branded medicine to the US market.   23 May 2019
Big Pharma
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, is being sued for “unlawfully” delaying generic competition to Zytiga, its branded cancer medication.   23 May 2019
Merck has announced plans to acquire Peloton Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, in a $1.05 billion bid to boost its oncology pipeline.   22 May 2019
Verily, which is a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, yesterday announced that it had partnered with Novartis, Otsuka, Pfizer, and Sanofi in efforts to develop digitally-innovative clinical research programmes.   22 May 2019
Precision medicine is an evolving field, which takes individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle into account when tackling disease treatment and prevention. LSIPR reports.   21 May 2019
Big Pharma
LSIPR provides a look behind the scenes of Shire Pharmaceuticals, the Irish company valued at £46 billion by its acquirer Takeda.   21 May 2019
A plethora of studies have indicated that diversity drives innovation and economic performance, so why are the STEM fields, where innovation is the life-blood, so behind on gender diversity? WIPR investigates the reasons behind the failure to attract and retain women, and what needs to be done.   21 May 2019
Big Pharma
US-based biopharmaceutical company Parvus Therapeutics has entered into a collaboration and licensing agreement with Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche.   21 May 2019
An increasing number of pharmaceutical companies are turning to joint representation—where they pool their funds and hire one firm to represent them all—for ANDA litigation. Mark Remus, shareholder at Brinks Gilson & Lione, outlines the pros and cons of this new direction.   20 May 2019
Two references to the Court of Justice of the European Union should help clarify the position on what exactly is eligible for a supplementary protection certificate, as Michael Pears and Joel Beevers of Potter Clarkson explain.   20 May 2019