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Big Pharma
A tie-up between four leading pharmaceutical companies, the UK government and a health charity has created the world’s largest genetic research project. LSIPR’s Rory O’Neill looks at a new frontier for life sciences.   30 September 2019
An intervention by Russia’s IP ombudsman seeks to solve the validity issue over secondary patents, but is it needed, asks Maxim Sobolev of Rouse.   30 September 2019
There is no doubting the importance of next year’s CRISPR appeal, but any conclusions about the parties’ prior art have consequences for elsewhere too, say Catherine Coombes and Emma Longland of HGF.   30 September 2019
The Actavis v ICOS UK Supreme Court judgment was a bitter pill to swallow, but is it really the end of dosage patents? Richard Wells and Stephanie Pilkington of Potter Clarkson review the situation.   30 September 2019
Filing a divisional patent application in Brazil needs a keen understanding of the process and flexibility in the system, as Kene Gallois and Luis Felipe Maciel da Silva of Daniel Law explain.   30 September 2019
Taiwan-based Personal Genomics Taiwan has taken gene-sequencing rival Pacific Biosciences to court in the US, over alleged patent infringement.   30 September 2019
Plant Varieties
The Delhi High Court has taken the unusual step of directing the IPAB to hear an urgent matter with the help of a technical expert from the Plant Varieties Protection Authority. Vidisha Garg of Anand and Anand reports.   30 September 2019
Big Pharma
Bringing a drug to market is costing companies under $2 billion for the first time in five years, according to a report from IP service provider Clarivate Analytics.   30 September 2019
An independent parliamentary report has today, September 27, revealed that the UK’s health ministry remains unsure whether the country’s health service can fully withstand the impact of a no-deal Brexit next month.   27 September 2019
Bayer and two Boston hospitals have joined forces in a chronic lung disease research product, with the trio championing the ‘joint lab’ model as a blueprint for pharmaceutical research.   26 September 2019