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In a report published by Thomson Reuters on February 20, the BRICK nations were shown to be filing almost as many patents as the G7 nations in 2011.   25 February 2013
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has affirmed a 2012 ruling that AstraZeneca’s patent for antipsychotic drug Seroquel XR is valid and has been infringed by companies selling competing generics.   19 February 2013
Israeli company Teva Pharmaceuticals could be forced to pay more than $2 billion in damages for selling a generic version of Nycomed and Pfizer’s heartburn reliever Protonix before the drug’s patent exclusivity expired in the US.   18 February 2013
A judge at Australia’s Federal Court has upheld Myriad Genetics’ patent covering a human gene mutation linked to breast cancer, in the country’s first court ruling on whether isolated genes can be patented.   18 February 2013
India’s Patent Office has revoked pharmaceutical company Sugen and licensee Pfizer’s patent for the cancer drug Sutent, agreeing with Indian drugs maker Cipla that it lacks inventive step.   14 February 2013
A US judge has declared pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb’s patent covering its hepatitis B treatment Baraclude obvious and invalid.   14 February 2013
The Mexican Senate has published a bill which, if adopted, will reduce the life term of medicine patents in Mexico by up to one year.   1 February 2013
India’s patent office has released comments submitted in response to draft examination guidelines for biotechnology patents published in December 2012.   31 January 2013
Canadian pharmaceutical firms Nuvo Research and Apotex have agreed a patent settlement allowing Apotex to launch a generic version of Nuvo’s arthritis treatment PENNSAID in the US.   31 January 2013
The University of Wisconsin’s alumni research foundation is suing Florida-based Virtus Pharmaceuticals for selling a calcium supplement it claims knowingly breaches one of its patents.   17 December 2012