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Healthcare company Theranos has sued medical equipment supplier Becton, Dickinson, seeking a judgment of non-infringement over a disputed trademark.   6 November 2014
A Canadian children’s hospital has launched a lawsuit focusing on whether genes should be patentable; the first of its kind in the country.   6 November 2014
US-based law firm Ropes & Gray has promoted two to partner roles in its life science practice in New York.   4 November 2014
A case that was expected to act as a benchmark for future patent cases in Canada has been settled a day before the country’s Supreme Court was due to hear arguments.   4 November 2014
Canada’s highest court is set to hear a hotly anticipated dispute pitting generic company Apotex against drug companies Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS).   3 November 2014
Biotechnology company Amgen has filed a lawsuit against Sanofi and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals accusing the pair of infringing three patents.   3 November 2014
Indian pharmaceutical company Intas Pharmaceuticals has been granted an injunction preventing a rival from marketing an anti-epilepsy drug it said infringed one of its trademarks.   30 October 2014
29 October 2014
A US court has ruled that pharmaceutical company Mylan infringed a patent owned by The Medicines Company covering a product used to inhibit blood clots.   29 October 2014
Big Pharma
Pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb has agreed a deal that gives it the option of acquiring drug maker F-star Alpha and one of its breast and gastric cancer treatments.   28 October 2014