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Big Pharma
Two subsidiaries of the French pharma giant allege ‘wilful’ patent infringement by the Swiss-American pharma firm | Novartis ‘hid’ information in a previous lawsuit relating to spinal muscular atrophy drug used to treat young children.   23 May 2023
Big Pharma
Case concerned the interpretation of a key requirement of the US Patent Act | Amgen’s ‘roadmap’ held to describe step-by-step its own trial-and-error method for finding functional antibodies.   18 May 2023
Big Pharma
The government lost its high stakes and unusual royalties dispute with the big pharma firm | New status report claims that the court should have allowed the jury to take four inter partes petitions into account.   18 May 2023
Big Pharma
The $27.8 billion acquisition would allegedly enable the pharma giant to stifle competition for thyroid eye disease and chronic refractory gout treatments | There is currently no market competition for the treatments.   18 May 2023
The US Supreme Court knocks back Teva’s challenge to GSK’s damages win | Decision issued despite US solicitor general warning that the earlier decision ‘threatens significant harm’ to the market.   16 May 2023
Judge Albright awards punitive damages due to the 'intentional' nature of the infringement | Ravgen fails to secure a three-fold increase on damages awarded by a US jury last year.   16 May 2023
Big Pharma
The dispute centred on a treatment that helps people adjust their circadian rhythm | Path now clear for generic drug makers to unveil biosimilar versions of the drug.   11 May 2023
Big Pharma
Jury finds three US government patents over PrEP to be invalid | Case thought to be the first time US government has sued a pharmaceutical firm over patents.   11 May 2023
Decision addresses issue of plausibility in invalidation verdict | Case marks first time that Court of Appeal judges held a patent with a single claim to a pharma compound invalid.   9 May 2023
The new CEO is currently Denmark CEO and group VP for the firm, who has ‘spearheaded international growth efforts’.   9 May 2023