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Hearing aid companies that did not convert to 3D printing pills “simply went bust”, says Stella Wong in a video interview with LSIPR at its conference, Life Sciences Patents Network Europe, held in London last week.   15 December 2016
In a video interview at Life Sciences Patents Network Europe 2016, a conference hosted in London last week by LSIPR, Marjan Noor of Allen & Overy discusses developments around second medical use patents.   15 December 2016
Heli Pihlajamaa, director of patent law at the European Patent Office, gives her advice for plant patent owners last week at the Life Sciences Patents Network Europe, a conference hosted by LSIPR in London.   15 December 2016
Biopharmaceutical company UCB Biopharma has filed a complaint against biotech developer MedImmune for alleged patent infringement.   15 December 2016
The US International Trade Commission has agreed to start an investigation into certain single-molecule nucleic acid sequencing systems and reagents, consumables, and software.   15 December 2016
Denmark-based ExpreS2ion Biotechnology and Abivax, a French biotechnology company, have entered into a service and commercial licensing agreement under which the companies will collaborate in their development of a treatment for Ebola.   15 December 2016
Big Pharma
Intellectual property firm HGF has picked current partner Mike Nelson to lead its Basel, Switzerland office.   15 December 2016
The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit gave victory to Medtronic yesterday in a patent litigation against Medgraph, a company that produces patient data software.   14 December 2016
The US Supreme Court declined to hear a biosimilar case between Apotex and Amgen yesterday.   13 December 2016
Pharmaceutical company Apicore has filed a complaint against Pfizer, seeking a declaration of non-infringement of a patent covering the drug Tikosyn, a treatment for maintenance of sinus rhythm.   13 December 2016