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Late-filed documents will come under greater scrutiny in light of changes to the European Patent Office’s opposition procedure.   22 March 2018
Big Pharma
The European Commission has approved Bayer’s $62.5 billion acquisition of agrochemical company Monsanto, subject to conditions.   22 March 2018
Johnson & Johnson has revealed plans to sell LifeScan, its blood glucose monitoring unit, for $2.1 billion.   21 March 2018
A non-profit organisation has requested that the US government take the title of a patent covering Gilead’s sofosbuvir-based hepatitis C medicine.   20 March 2018
Big Pharma
European Parliament has approved the relocation of the European Medicines Agency from London to Amsterdam.   19 March 2018
Danish pharmaceutical company Lundbeck has boosted its pipeline of treatments for patients with Parkinson’s disease with the planned acquisition of Prexton Therapeutics.   19 March 2018
A Californian court has rejected a motion to dismiss a lawsuit involving a treatment for haemophilia A, a genetic blood coagulation disorder.   16 March 2018
Technology companies Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft filed applications for 313 US healthcare patents between 2013 and 2017, according to a report issued by professional services firm Ernst & Young.   16 March 2018
A judge at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division, has entered a final judgment in favour of Tech Pharmacy in a patent infringement and breach of contract claim, awarding it $24 million.   15 March 2018
Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva “robustly” responded to the European Commission’s charge of anti-competitive behaviour at a hearing earlier this week.   15 March 2018