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Big Pharma
First instance courts in France have adopted controversial interpretations of an important Enlarged Board of Appeal decision, says Stéphane Agasse.   1 May 2011
Big Pharma
The European life sciences industry has a long history. Many of the major players trace their roots to before the war, and often began as agricultural or chemical companies. LSIPR takes a look at the leading jurisdictions.   1 May 2011
BIO represents a broad constituency of biotechnology and life sciences companies. LSIPR talks to BIO president and CEO Jim Greenwood about patent reform, healthcare, court cases and plans for the future.   1 May 2011
With IP laws around the world subject to frequent and sometimes unpredictable changes, it can be difficult to keep abreast of everything you need to know. Richard Gough and Jane Woodhouse take a look.   1 May 2011
Israel patent practice is distinct from US and European practice in a number of respects. Moshe Tritel describes a number of such areas with important practical ramifications for applicants seeking to maximise their patent protection in Israel.   1 May 2011
As biotechnology patents continue to grow in importance, uncertainty remains on both sides of the Atlantic as to exactly what is patentable. Simon O’Brien and David Gass take a look.   1 May 2011
Practitioners can take heart from recent developments in the Brazilian courts, say Otto Licks and Anderson Nascimento.   1 May 2011
A case before the Court of Justice for the European Union threatens to radically redraw the patent landscape for embryonic stem cells. Ashley Roughton explains.   1 May 2011
A recent US district court ruling could significantly affect companies that patent genes and threaten the health of an entire industry. LSIPR investigates.   1 May 2010
The European Court of Justice is faced with a crucial decision on stem cell research. Justin Turner QC explains.   1 May 2010