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BerGenBio’s ‘ask the cell’ technology could potentially change cancer treatment as we know it. With an expanding patent portfolio and library of trade secrets behind it, what challenges does the startup biotech company face in bringing its first drugs to market?   31 May 2013
The definition of what constitutes a co-pending patent filing in Europe has recently been rewritten to include patent applications from within the same patent family. Jane Wainwright of Potter Clarkson investigates the decisions leading to this change.   31 May 2013
James Monroe and Lawrence Ilag of Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP analyse the impact of the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s decision In re Kubin.   30 April 2013
While the global trend is towards a “more hostile IP environment” for pharmaceutical companies, Danish healthcare giant Novo Nordisk A/S continues to perform. LSIPR talks to Lars Kellberg, corporate vice president, about how it meets the challenges.   30 April 2013
Patent term restoration has been adopted by several jurisdictions, with varying success. Mexico faces several issues with sanitary authorisations and patent examination, so patent term restoration would be a viable remedy for patent holders. The TPP might enable this.   30 April 2013
There are important differences between the Russian and Eurasian procedures in obtaining a patent, especially for inventions in the field of life sciences, as Maria Nilova and Elena Tsvetkova explain.   1 April 2013
While no court has tested it, Brazilian legislation seems to prohibit pay-for-delay settlements in the pharmaceutical industry. Gabriel Di Blasi argues that it’s time for a test case.   1 April 2013
To read much of the reaction to recent pharmaceutical rulings in India, you might think that the country is waging a war against Western innovation. But while there is certainly cause for concern, that’s not the whole story, as LSIPR finds out.   1 April 2013
Challenging the validity of a patent through the court systems of Europe and the US can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Jane Wainwright and Daniel Young look at the alternatives.   1 April 2013
The sweeping reform brought about by the AIA includes the FITF patent system, which places a premium on maintaining confidentiality, and speed and efficiency in filing patent applications while juggling the uncertainties and nuances of this new system.   1 April 2013