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Big Pharma
A decision from an opposition division of the European Patent Office may have “far-reaching consequences” for US patent holders, Solveig Moré tells LSIPR.   31 August 2013
In 1990, the Human Genome Project began its quest to identify every gene in the human genome. Now, Spiral Genetics can sequence a human genome in three hours. LSIPR spoke to Spiral Genetics’ chief executive Adina Mangubat to find out how the company protects its IP.   31 August 2013
There has been much debate about whether there is a global deterioration of IP, and many commentators would suggest that India is leading the charge. Andrew Jenner and Ernest Kawka reflect on the experiences of innovative biopharmaceutical companies in India.   31 August 2013
Danish firm Bavarian Nordic has a portfolio of patents for vaccines and cancer treatments, but likes to keep some of its cards close to its chest, as LSIPR finds out.   31 July 2013
At some offices, the passage of a patent through the system is not quite as fast as applicants might hope—and at others it may be quicker than they would like. Matt Smith and Jonathan Wills outline the situation.   31 July 2013
Gabriel Di Blasi outlines the existing impediments to developing new biotechnology products in Brazil, and considers recent efforts to improve the situation.   31 July 2013
The US Supreme Court in a landmark decision held that a DNA molecule is potentially eligible for patenting in the US if its sequence does not occur in nature, but is not patent-eligible if its sequence is identical to a naturally occurring DNA sequence.   28 June 2013
The European Patent Office grants approximately 6,000 biotechnology patents per year. LSIPR spoke to Victor Kaas, director of biotechnology at the office, about how it faces the unique challenges of the industry.   28 June 2013
As support for the study of rare diseases picks up, how does a good IP strategy bring orphan drugs to market? LSIPR spoke to aTyr Pharma’s chief executive John Mendlein to find out.   28 June 2013
The law of patents and SPCs has yet to be tested in the context of medicines which can be used to treat specific groups of patients, as Paul England explains.   28 June 2013