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LSIPR spoke to Jörg Thomaier, chief IP counsel at Bayer, about the state of protection in emerging jurisdictions and the challenges the global company faces in asserting its IP across the world.   16 October 2013
When it comes to plants, European courts have been occupied with various debates over salad. Margreet van Heuvel and Bart Swinkels take a look.   16 October 2013
The Court of Justice of the European Union’s decision in the Brüstle case has worrying implications for some stem cell patents. Andy Sanderson looks at the landscape across Europe.   16 October 2013
Frances Salisbury and Lindsey Woolley look at the complex business of patenting agricultural products in Europe.   16 October 2013
A German Federal Court decision has given patent applicants in the life sciences field plenty to think about, as Wolfgang Bublak and Axel Berger explain.   16 October 2013
When the US Supreme Court decided in favour of Monsanto in its case against a soybean farmer, it clarified the patent status of certain self-replicating technologies. In Europe, the result would probably have been the same, say Steven Zeman and Heike Vogelsang-Wenke.   16 October 2013
Many of the world’s biggest selling drugs have lost exclusivity in recent years, presenting huge opportunities for generic drugs companies but, as LSIPR finds out, it doesn’t have to be a dead end for the innovators.   16 October 2013
Big Pharma
The annual International Association for the Protection of IP (AIPPI) conference in Helsinki, Finland, assessed the potential problems for pharmaceutical companies trying to brand their medicinal products.   30 September 2013
Developing new drugs is time-consuming and expensive. DelMar Pharma researches old drugs and establishes new IP around them to streamline the process. LSIPR spoke to chief executive Jeffrey Bacha about the company’s approach.   30 September 2013
With a track record of successful innovation, Munich is one of the leading lights of European biotech. LSIPR went to visit.   30 September 2013