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Big Pharma
Three December decisions from the Court Of Justice of the European Union shed light on supplementary protection certificates in Europe.   13 January 2014
The first US court decision applying the Myriad decision has landed, and it makes for interesting reading, as Antoinette Konski reports.   3 December 2013
How can ‘big’ data help drug candidates through the pipeline? And who does the data belong to? LSIPR spoke to NuMedii chief executive Gini Deshpande.   3 December 2013
As the largest science research institute in Japan, Riken has an important role in promoting innovation. LSIPR talked to Akihiro Fujita, director of the institute’s research cluster for innovation, about the place of intellectual property in that endeavour.   3 December 2013
Ethical considerations plus the ambiguity of the Biotech Directive are factors influencing the patentability of totipotent stem cells, says Andrew Sanderson.   4 November 2013
Genomic Vision develops genetic screening tests for diagnostics and research. In the aftermath of the Myriad ruling, how can it use IP to develop market share? LSIPR spoke to chief executive Aaron Bensimon to find out.   4 November 2013
In Mexico, it can be tricky to protect data exclusivity, but prospective international agreements may provide a solution, as Jose Trigueros explains.   16 October 2013
In the life sciences sector, defending broad patent claims can be a tricky business, says Gordon Wright.   16 October 2013
New guidelines for the examination of biotechnology inventions in Brazil provide useful support for applicants, as Gabriel Di Blasi and Alexandre Santos explain.   16 October 2013
Big Pharma
For generic drug makers, previous bad behaviour may affect new litigation, especially when it comes to injunctions, as Bethan Hopewell and Geraldine Quinn explain.   16 October 2013