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The effect of obviousness-type double patenting on patent term extension and patent term adjustment in the biotech and pharma industry needs careful consideration, as Gaby L. Longsworth and Eric K. Steffe report.   20 June 2014
For those involved in the development of biological drugs, the prospects of getting what would seem to be a ‘fair reward’ may not have improved much, says Jaap Mannaerts.   20 June 2014
Recent decisions suggest that the Indian system seems to be changing direction towards developing sound patent law jurisprudence, says Archana Shanker.   20 June 2014
The exclusion from patentability of certain cells derived from human embryos is a reflection of the EPO’s increasingly restrictive stance, say Franz-Josef Zimmer and Markus Grammel.   20 June 2014
Digital health, which brings together digital and genetic data to improve healthcare, will play a vital role in personalised medicine. But there will be significant challenges when it comes to protecting this innovative new area. LSIPR looks at its uses and the potential challenges.   20 June 2014
Amendments to SIPO’s guidelines for the examination of utility patents may help stop the proliferation of ‘junk’ utility models in China. Wolfgang Bublak and Yingkun Brunner report.   20 June 2014
The realm of patent eligibility under 35 USC §101 has become more confusing, with the introduction of a possible new definition of admissibility after a decision on Dolly the sheep. Nabeela Rasheed reports.   20 June 2014
Big Pharma
Andrew Wright and Tom Harding investigate how a decision by the EPO’s Board of Appeal may extend the opportunities for protection by second medical use claims.   20 June 2014
Acting against infringers can involve the pharmaceutical regulatory framework and civil law as well as following the more usual pathways, says José R. Trigueros.   20 June 2014
There is no uniform interpretation of the scope of the Bolar exemption in Europe, but a CJEU opinion harmonising the issue may be on the way, says Rafal Witek.   20 June 2014