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Sifting through the published comments on the USPTO’s Myriad/Mayo guidelines, LSIPR found them to be overwhelmingly negative.   4 September 2014
HemoShear creates systems for predicting human responses to drugs by applying its proprietary technology to human cells in the lab to make them behave the way they would in vivo. LSIPR found out about its strategy for protecting and developing its technologies.   1 August 2014
Big Pharma
Parties need to take care when considering interim injunctions and keep an eye on future IP litigation, says Jan Lindberg.   1 August 2014
The development of gene technologies is still at a relatively early stage, with patent applications coming from research institutes and universities as well as industry. Gareth Williams has crunched the numbers.   1 August 2014
The PharmaSea project is working to make viable drug candidates of novel compounds found under the sea. LSIPR discovers how the EU-funded initiative does it.   7 July 2014
The EPO generally accepts applications relating to human embryonic stem cells with an effective date after 2008 but discussions about eligibility continue, says Joachim Wachenfeld.   7 July 2014
China, Japan and South Korea are three of the most developed markets in the world for pharmaceuticals but they still offer a wealth of opportunities for both innovators and generic drug companies. LSIPR looks at the protection available for those seeking to do business there.   20 June 2014
The USPTO’s new guidance for examiners extends the decision in Myriad beyond isolated nucleic acids to all claims concerning ‘judicial exceptions’. Bethan Hopewell and Jennifer Antcliff report.   20 June 2014
The rate of development in the biotech sector means revisions to the patent guidelines are more needed than ever, says Marisa Moura Momoli.   20 June 2014
The patent regulatory framework in Mexico needs to evolve if the investment in, and marketing of, promising biotechnology drug products is to succeed, says Hector E. Chagoya.   20 June 2014