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Brand owners may use a multitude of approaches to crack down effectively on fake drugs. Andy Leck and Ren Jun Lim discuss the challenges of anti-counterfeiting efforts in Singapore.   3 November 2014
AstraZeneca has had a tough few years, with a clutch of patent expiries one of the most serious of its problems. So where does it go from here? To find out, LSIPR spoke to the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company’s vice president of business development about the role IP is playing in its plans for future success.   3 November 2014
A recent decision from the IPAB on the patent eligibility of biological processes could change the biotech playing field in India, say Swarup Kumar and Shivaarti Bajaj.   29 October 2014
Should it be possible for a drug maker to stop the owner of a patented ingredient from obtaining an SPC? Ashley Roughton examines the CJEU’s opinion on Eli Lilly v HGS.   29 October 2014
In the competitive world of cancer treatment it’s becoming ever more important to stand out from the crowd. LSIPR speaks to TapImmune’s chief executive Glynn Wilson on why he thinks the company does.   29 October 2014
Earlier this month, the first LSIPR roundtable discussion took place in a London hotel, chaired by managing editor Martin Essex, with six invited experts and deputy editor 
Ed Conlon taking part. We’ll be publishing a special report on the event but, to whet your appetite, here’s how the discussion began—with a lively debate on the USPTO’s guidelines on patent-eligible subject matter in the wake of the Myriad and Mayo court decisions.   30 September 2014
The Bay Area of California has one 
of the greatest concentrations of life 
sciences companies in the world, 
but its biotech community is being 
threatened by the seemingly 
unstoppable rise of large technology businesses. LSIPR spoke to Christopher Stewart, chair, and Robert Eyler, 
vice chair, of the new North Bay 
Life Science Alliance to find out 
how it plans to strengthen the network in the area.   30 September 2014
Big Pharma
Increasing numbers of patent challengers are finding the USPTO’s post-grant procedures to be attractive alternatives to district court litigation, write Arlene Chow and Peter Noh.   29 September 2014
Big Pharma
For those who can draw an informative patent map and work out a good navigational route through the complexities, there is an opportunity to gain significant competitive advantages through making the right partnerships, argue Quentin Tannock and Anna Duch.   4 September 2014
Pluristem develops therapies using cells from the placenta that have been cultured in a unique way. LSIPR finds out how the company protects and nourishes its technologies.   4 September 2014