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Despite its troubled start, Brazil’s Product Development Partnerships programme is now entering a new stage of its development with the introduction of a more complete system for regulation, but there’s also more scope for patent infringement, say Otto Licks and Ricardo Campello of Licks Attorneys.   16 July 2015
Twenty-five years ago Tuerk and Gold reported the Selex method. Richard Clegg of Mewburn Ellis discusses some of the challenges at the EPO today when attempting to obtain adequate class-level protection for functionally defined molecules.   9 July 2015
India’s progressive IP policies—and its status as ‘pharmacy of the developing world’ and lifeline for millions of people—are now under threat from many fronts. Yuanqiong Hu, IP advisor for Médecins Sans Frontières’s Access Campaign, explains more.   9 July 2015
The Brazilian government has passed a new law which will promote the development of products based on the country’s rich biodiversity. Gabriel Di Blasi of Di Blasi, Parente & Associados discusses the implications for companies, researchers and traditional knowledge holders.   2 July 2015
The judiciary system for the new Unified Patent Court has been the subject of much discussion. As part of a regular column, Paul England, senior associate at law firm Taylor Wessing and who chaired a recent discussion between a panel of experts, examines the issue.   25 June 2015
The question of whether using a known drug for treating a known disease, but in a distinct sub-population of patients, can constitute a patentable new invention is key to the development of personalised medicine, says Stephen Smith of Potter Clarkson.   18 June 2015
Two writ petitions to the Delhi High Court have resulted in the formation of a committee tasked with devising approaches to promote expedited examination at the Indian Patent Office, as Pravin Anand of Anand and Anand reports.   16 June 2015
Tax avoidance involving the import of undeclared trademarked items has led the Mexican customs authorities to change the regulations governing the information that must be submitted, as Daniel Sánchez and Víctor Ramírez of Olivares describe.   16 June 2015
An enormous increase in the number of biotech articles published in Brazil indicates that the area is experiencing strong expansion when considered in the global context, as Gabriel Di Blasi and Marisa Moura Momoli of Di Blasi, Parente & Associados report.   16 June 2015
There is increasing demand for plant variety protection in Brazil. Renata Campello Afonso of Luiz Leonardos & Advogados reports.   16 June 2015