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Big Pharma
A unitary supplementary protection certificate looks like a logical and desirable extension of the unitary patent system, and right owners and practitioners need to keep an eye on developments in EU regulation, as Andrew Webb and Graham Lewis of J A Kemp describe.   14 January 2016
Intellectual property rights should be used to help valorise agricultural biodiversity and traditional knowledge for the benefit of the global population as well as small farming communities around the world, says Graham Dutfield of the University of Leeds.   11 January 2016
The manner in which some Canadian judges have applied the ‘promise’ doctrine has been criticised as arbitrary and subjective, note Declan Hamill and Megan Kendall of Innovative Medicines Canada, the association of Canada’s innovative pharmaceutical industry.   7 January 2016
A grace period would give German inventors more flexibility to deal with different rules set by scientific publications and patenting procedures, and allow them to seek patent rights without the fear of prior disclosure, as Michael Kahnert of BIO Deutschland reports.   5 January 2016
The smartphone wars may have slowed down but many smaller high-tech companies continue to assert their IP rights against competitors, as the fitness tracker battle shows. Fabio Marino and Luc Dahlin of McDermott Will & Emery report.   22 December 2015
Big Pharma
The complex rules around the filing of divisional applications relating to priority of patent claims are designed to maintain the integrity of the first-to-file system, as Ashley Roughton of Nabarro explains.   17 December 2015
Big Pharma
The application of supplementary protection certificates to the unitary patent system poses numerous complexities, both legal and practical, as Christopher Stothers and Paul Abbott of Arnold & Porter describe.   10 December 2015
The unitary patent and UPC would still go ahead, but what would be the impact for the life sciences sector if the UK voted to leave the EU? Victoria Bentley and Helen Cline of Pinsent Masons investigate.   3 December 2015
Following the Federal Circuit’s ruling in Amgen v Sandoz, biosimilar applicants should weigh up several factors when deciding whether to opt into the so-called patent dance. Gerard Norton and Michael Montgomery of Fox Rothschild discuss the potential strategies.   3 December 2015
Sandoz has brought to market its generic pregabalin product with a full label in the UK and a skinny label in France. Varuni Paranavitane of Osborne Clarke reports on court rulings in the UK, and most recently France, on actions brought by Warner-Lambert against Sandoz.   26 November 2015