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A recent case in India reveals the various ways in which pharmaceutical patents can be challenged, as Neeti Wilson, Arpita Kulshreshtha and Gitika Suri of Anand and Anand report.   2 October 2018
BIO-Europe heads to Scandinavia for the first time, as Copenhagen plays host in November. LSIPR finds out more.   2 October 2018
The issue of inefficiencies in the life sciences IP market is a hot topic to be discussed at the Life Science IP Forum in London in November, as LSIPR finds out.   1 October 2018
While personalised medicine is a challenging area for drug developers, there are a number of potential solutions, as LSIPR finds out.   27 September 2018
American biotech 3Scan is combining robotics with machine learning and automation to offer microscopy services for the 3D analysis of cells, tissues, and organs. LSIPR met general counsel Nada Rastad to hear about some of the patenting challenges.   24 September 2018
Several recent cases from the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit offer guidance on navigating the §101 legal framework with respect to CRISPR patent claims, as Pat Carson and Mira Atanassova Mulvaney of Kirkland & Ellis report.   19 September 2018
Held in the US life sciences hub of Boston, LSX World Congress USA is bringing together investors and executive leaders from life sciences companies on October 10 and 11, as LSIPR finds out.   19 September 2018
Lino Almazan-Monroy and Mariana Gonzalez-Vargas of Becerril, Coca & Becerril discuss how inventors seeking patents for polymorphs in Mexico can give themselves the best chance of success.   11 September 2018
Big Pharma
The Milan Court has issued an important ruling clarifying the rules governing the activities of active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers in Italy, as Gabriel Cuonzo and Luca Pellicciari of Trevisan & Cuonzo report.   11 September 2018
A well-functioning linkage system for patents and drugs allows healthcare and patent authorities to maximise the impact of innovation, say Hector Chagoya and Mariana Gonzalez-Vargas of Becerril, Coca & Becerril, who report on the Mexican landscape.   6 September 2018