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As the company challenges Pfizer and BioNTech over COVID-19 vaccine patents, issues over the enforceability of pledges made during the pandemic may make pharma think twice in future, finds Marisa Woutersen.   16 May 2024
As artificial intelligence creates a complex legal landscape for healthcare and medtech, Janine Swarbrick of HGF explores two case studies that shed light on how to claim an AI invention.   18 April 2024
Plant Varieties
Applicants face tough scrutiny for claims around the laws of nature, but details of new processes, steps or guidance can help patents pass the courts’ two-step test, says Michael Taylor of Harness IP.   26 March 2024
It is critical that the emerging field of personalised medicine receives appropriate patent protection, explain Joel Coles and Theo Cooper of Powell Gilbert.   14 March 2024
Unified Patent Court
Well-resourced NPEs looking to play the injunction card are eyeing up the court—companies with European operations should prepare, say Tom Oliver and Jessica Rosethorn of Powell Gilbert.   7 March 2024
Agreeing to a dispute resolution mechanism in an international joint venture requires forward thinking, say Jens Petry and Tom Gassmann, Squire Patton Boggs.   22 February 2024
It remains to be seen whether AI developers in the medical sector will benefit from the UK’s ‘flexible’ regulatory environment or find the lack of cohesion detrimental, say Jackie Mulryne and Beatriz San Martin of Arnold & Porter.   20 February 2024
While President Biden’s desire to reduce costs at the pharmacy counter is commendable, it is too blunt an instrument that would threaten innovation beyond the life sciences, argue former USPTO directors Andrei Iancu and David Kappos.   18 February 2024
Big Pharma
Kerri-Ann Limbeek, trial lead for Ravgen, tells Sarah Speight that a compelling narrative was key to winning the case against their larger rival.   25 January 2024
Despite the clamour for guidance, applicants, attorneys, and lawyers may be in for a frustrating wait before the UK updates AI protections, says Rebecca Lawrence of DLA Piper.   25 January 2024