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The development of precision treatments must be complemented by the development of precision diagnostics, as Daniel Lim of Kirkland & Ellis explains.   14 February 2019
SPCs and trade secrets are just two issues set to be discussed at C5’s 11th Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation, on February 26 and 27 in Amsterdam. LSIPR reports.   13 December 2018
The political influence on patent rights during Brazil’s general election in October has set a worrying precedent, writes Gabriel Di Blasi of Di Blasi Parente & Associados.   13 December 2018
Hector Chagoya and Mariana Gonzalez-Vargas of Becerril, Coca & Becerril examine how Mexico applies the Budapest Treaty, which covers microorganisms in the patent process.   29 November 2018
Big Pharma
In November, the UK Supreme Court ruled that Warner-Lambert’s patent for a second medical use of pregabalin for the treatment of pain is invalid for insufficiency of disclosure. Sheena Linehan of Potter Clarkson explores the lessons for patent drafting.   28 November 2018
A new facet of Mexico’s linkage system between patents and pharmaceutical drugs raises several questions that necessitate a careful approach from patent assignees and agents, as Mariana Gonzalez-Vargas of Becerril, Coca & Becerril reports.   12 November 2018
With several major drugs set to face generic or biosimilar competition as patent protection expires, LSIPR analyses how well prepared their manufacturers are and how badly their sales may be affected.   26 October 2018
While cannabis companies in the US can’t protect their brands with federal trademark protection, there are other options for them when seeking IP rights, as LSIPR finds out.   24 October 2018
The implementation of precision medicine represents a huge, possibly unprecedented, challenge to conventional clinical practice across the breadth of healthcare disciplines, says Daniel Lim of Kirkland & Ellis.   23 October 2018
An EU court ruling on gene-editing regulation has sparked widespread concerns in the scientific and legal communities, as LSIPR finds out.   22 October 2018