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As AI becomes a crucial weapon in the battle against the global pandemic, companies in the field need to ensure that their valuable IP is protected, as Mao Xiao Hong and Danny Yap of IPOS International explain.   1 September 2020
Big Pharma
In a boost for generic pharma companies, a U-turn by the EU’s highest court removed protection for repurposed active substances, as Robert Stephen and Gareth Morgan of CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang explain.   25 August 2020
Big Pharma
Big Pharma is looking for solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic wherever it can find them, so drug repurposing is more important than ever, as research lawyers Jakob Wested and John Liddicoat argue.   14 August 2020
As the UK Supreme Court reverses a Court of Appeal decision relating to sufficiency, the ruling leaves patent applicants in a potentially difficult position, argues David Fyfield of Charles Russell Speechlys.   16 July 2020
Big Pharma
An attempt to obtain a supplementary protection certificate ended up raising the bar to achieving this coveted IP, as Joel Beevers and Michael Pears of Potter Clarkson explain.   10 July 2020
Big Pharma
The rush to open access to IP-protected tech, medicines and devices in the fight against COVID-19 could cause problems later, argues MaryAnne Armstrong of Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch.   10 July 2020
In the high stakes world of life sciences, the strength of a company’s IP portfolio can determine the value of a corporate transaction, argue Jonathan Harris and Nisan Zaghi of Axinn, and Ian Lodovice of Biogen.   9 July 2020
Amid confusion over patent eligibility, US life sciences IP owners should consider trade secret law when building their IP protection strategy, argues John A Stone of DeCotiis, FitzPatrick, Cole & Giblin.   9 July 2020
The EPO’s May 2020 decision in G3/19, on the patentability of certain plants, was among the most controversial in the office’s history. Anna Gregson of Mathys & Squire explores the implications.   2 July 2020
Yesterday’s UK Supreme Court decision in Kymab v Regeneron is expected to have profound implications for innovative life sciences companies, according to lawyers.   25 June 2020